Dear Investor,

As we delve into the ever-evolving world of investing, I wanted to take a moment to share with you why investing in Startup Studios isn’t just a choice, it’s a revolution.


  1. Speed
  • Our Studio Ventures don’t just raise funds; they do it faster. Seed funding comes out twice as fast, exits are 33% faster.
  1. Preparing a Symphony of Product-Market Fit:
  • Innovation is not a sprint; A meticulously orchestrated symphony. Our validated frameworks are conductors that ensure flawless performance in MVP design, growth strategy, and feedback loop excellence.
  1. Open Innovation Unleashed:
  • We don’t just build startups; We create a network where innovation flows freely. Open agreements, a variety of collaborating talents in our portfolio – this is the powerhouse of unlimited and untamed ideas.
  1. Sourcing,
  • Vertical synergy is not a slogan; It’s a way of life. Our GTM, customer success, and product teams work in harmony to ensure that resources are used elegantly and efficiently. It’s not just work; A masterpiece in the making.
  1. Higher Return on Investment (ROI), Less Dilution:
  • Cheaper equity at the beginning is not just a discount; It’s an invitation to a journey where your ownership remains strong and the exits turn into a regular symphony. Your return on investment isn’t just an expectation; This is a guarantee.
  1. Failures as stepping stones:
  • Failures are not setbacks; They are opportunities dressed in overalls. Iterative improvement in our Product-Market Fit framework is our way of delivering a positive impact on the fabric of learning, growth, and success.
  1. Focus on What’s Really Important:
  • The CEOs at our Studio Startups don’t bother with mundane things. Are you starting a company from scratch? Do you deal with paperwork? We’ve eliminated these distractions and allowed them to focus on the core thing: innovation.
  1. Fundraising, Simplified:
  • The founding teams in our studios don’t spare time for fundraising marathons. We streamlined the process and allowed them to dive headfirst into their ideas without being burdened by the financial maze.
  1. Ability Beyond Borders:
  • Talent acquisition is not a checkbox; It’s a dynamic journey. Our startups have the flexibility to tap into a talent pool that transcends traditional boundaries. It’s not just recruitment; It’s a symphony of collaboration.


Startup Studios drastically outperform VC

Comparison FactorTraditional StartupStudio Startup
Average IRR21.3%53%
Total Value / Paid In1.6x5.8x
Time from Zero to Series A (Months)5625
Time from Zero to Seed (Months)3611
Time from Seed to Series A (Months)2015

As a result, we don’t just offer an investment opportunity; We offer the chance to be part of a revolution.

If you’re interested, contact me today to learn more about Startup Studios.

Yours truly

Tamer Garip Founder CEO
12 Monkeys
[email protected]

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